About Us
Travel Midwest Stats provides real time and historical travel / drive time statistics for area roadways primarily in Illinois and Wisconsin. This includes roads in Chicago and Milwaukee. Over 15 years of historical data is available dating back to 2004, which includes nearly 650 million individual travel times.
Data can be filtered by a variety of criteria including date range, time of day, day (or days) of the week, and weather conditions. Data consists of average, current, minimum, and maximum travel times for a given route. Other data elements include congestion benchmarks such as no congestion, medium congestion, and heavy congestion. In addition, travel time prediction ranges are provided at 65%, 80% and 95% confidence levels. Current weather conditions are provided for each route.
Over the years the site has been cited in numerous academic and government research projects including MIT, Harvard University, The University of Chicago, Northwestern University, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Members of the motoring public have used the site millions of times to help them plan their trips. Data from the site has been featured in the Chicago Tribune, other media outlets, and numerous web sites.
Most services are provided for free to the public, students, academic institutions, non-profits, and government agencies. Complex or custom solutions, and services targeting for-profit organizations, are available for a fee.
Travel Midwest Stats is a service of RoadStats.